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United Way Regina believes we all have a role to play in supporting children and families on their literacy and learning journey. The Regina Region Family Literacy Hub will provide a continuum of supports to families starting right from birth and is an extension of our Childhood Success initiatives including the Campaign for Grade-level Reading. The Regina Region Hub will focus on providing intergenerational support; honouring family members as a child’s first teacher.  Much learning occurs before and beyond the traditional school setting. Family literacy activities strengthen the relationship between family members, which, in turn, encourages lifelong learning.

Family Literacy focuses on parents, grandparents and other family members to improve the reading and writing skills of the whole family. By reading to children and engaging in fun literacy activities regularly, adults actively keep their own skills sharp while helping children improve their skills. Without adult support and a strong foundation at home, a child is less likely to be successful and engaged in school.

Regina Region Family Literacy Hub efforts will focus on the geographic regions of Regina, Pilot Butte, Imperial, Lipton, Indian Head, Vibank, Southey and Francis in the following areas:

  • raise awareness of the importance of early literacy
  • increase access to resources and information
  • build capacity for service providers and early years practitioners

For a full listing of Family Literacy Hubs in Saskatchewan visit

For more information about the Regina Regina Family Literacy Hub, contact Sandi at

Check out some of our recent adventures in the community!

St. Catherine Community School

Sacred Heart Community School

'Driven to Read' with Regina Public Library

Holy Rosary Community School

Al Ritchie Community Association