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Childhood Success

We know that education is the key to addressing poverty. When local kids are well-fed, well-rested and well-supported, they are far more likely to succeed in school and in life.

Childhood Sucess

We know that education is the key to addressing poverty.

When local kids are well-fed, well-rested and well-supported, they are far more likely to succeed in school and in life.​

When we invest in our kids, those benefits stack up over time.  Students who graduate high school are more likely to find a job that pays a livable wage, live healthier lives and give back to their community.

Making Early Literacy a Top Priority

We know that when children start their education journey ready to learn, it sets them up for success in the future.  Lasting change starts with our children.  By preparing and supporting them in school, connecting families seeking help with programs and supports, and providing education and growth opportunities, we can create healthier, more financially stable communities.

United Way Regina Named Regina Region Family Literacy Hub​

United Way Regina believes we all have a role to play in supporting children and families on their literacy and learning journey. The Regina Region Family Literacy Hub will provide a continuum of supports to families starting right from birth and is an extension of our Childhood Success initiatives including the Campaign for Grade-level Reading. The Regina Region Hub will focus on providing intergenerational support; honouring family members as a child’s first teacher.  Much learning occurs before and beyond the traditional school setting. Family literacy activities strengthen the relationship between family members, which, in turn, encourages lifelong learning.

Family Literacy focuses on parents, grandparents and other family members to improve the reading and writing skills of the whole family. By reading to children and engaging in fun literacy activities regularly, adults actively keep their own skills sharp while helping children improve their skills. Without adult support and a strong foundation at home, a child is less likely to be successful and engaged in school.

Regina Region Family Literacy Hub efforts will focus on the geographic regions of Regina, Pilot Butte, Imperial, Lipton, Indian Head, Vibank, Southey and Francis in the following areas:

  • raise awareness of the importance of early literacy
  • increase access to resources and information
  • build capacity for service providers and early years practitioners

For a full listing of Family Literacy Hubs in Saskatchewan visit


Third Grade is Pivotal

From kindergarten through third grade, children learn to read.  By fourth grade, they must be able to read to learn.  In fact, a child’s ability to read proficiently by the end of third grade is the strongest predictor of their future academic success.  Children who aren’t reading at grade-level by this point are 4x more likely to drop out of school early.

Our Solution

A good education offers a way out of poverty. Reducing summer learning loss is a core pillar of our comprehensive Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Initiative. Our campaign is dedicated to improving early literacy by supporting community solutions to widespread but solvable challenges. United Way is in a unique position to leverage partners, create opportunities and bring together schools, businesses, community-based organizations and volunteers to ensure low-income children have access to enriching activities during the summer.

Taking it to Scale

Schools cannot succeed alone.  To achieve our goals, we need you!  Engaged communities mobilize to remove barriers, expand opportunities, and assist parents to be full partners in the success of their children.

Collectively, we all are working to improve school and life outcomes for children from low-income families by getting more kids to read proficiently by the end of third grade.

Invest in our Future

You can help our community’s students succeed in school and life!  Donate to the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading through United Way Regina today.  Your gift will help us positively impact hundreds of kids in Regina and surrounding areas.

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