Legacy Giving

Invest in the future of our community.
Let United Way Regina help you achieve your philanthropic goals – now and well into the future. You can change lives by supporting local programs that will have the greatest measurable impact in our community, sharing in our belief that for a city to be great it has to be great for everyone.
What is planned giving?
Planned gifts offer you an opportunity to build a charitable legacy and create the future you want for your community. Planned effectively, these gifts can provide substantial financial benefits and tax savings, while ensuring that the issues you care about will continue to be supported well into the future.”
Why include United Way Regina in your estate or financial plans?
We partner with donors, agencies and local leaders to build a great city for all. For decades, people have come together to create a safe and healthy community through United Way. But, as times change so do the needs of our city.
By supporting United Way Regina with a planned gift, you will help shape the future of our city and continue to improve the lives of individuals and families today, and tomorrow. You can be confident your gift will ensure the supports that thousands of people rely on remain stable and accessible for years to come.

Benefits of Planned Giving
We will work with you to provide appropriate and meaningful recognition for your gift.
Tax Benefits
All donations qualify for a charitable tax credit provided by the provincial and federal governments.
Your gift can respond to a range of future community needs or can reflect your special interests.
We ensure that your gift is directed to your area of interest and that your intentions are respected.
Will Planning
One way you can ensure that your values live on is through will planning. Will planning is the highly personal process of deciding how your assets will be distributed after your lifetime.
Create a will
Having a will in place is the simplest way to distribute your estate the way you choose. It also makes it easy to give the gift of a lifetime in support of United Way Regina — a gift that has the power to strengthen our community well into the future. It is helpful to list the types of arrangements you wish to make and then consult a lawyer or financial planning professional to create your will.
Already have a will?
Don’t set it and forget it! Be sure to review it every couple of years to ensure that it remains relevant. A new marriage, divorce, birth or death of a family member are all events that should trigger a review to make sure your will is still protecting the people you love.
A bequest is the most common type of planned gift. This can be a sum of money, a piece of property or a percentage of your estate that is designated to United Way Regina in your will. Other types of planned gifts also include RRSPs/RRIFs, life insurance, stocks/securities, charitable remainder trusts and gifts-in-kind.
Below are a few examples of language to consider using when creating or revising your will. If you have special wishes regarding how you would like to personalize and design your bequest or other planned gift, contact us — we would be pleased to help.
Give a percentage or residue of your estate to United Way Regina
I give to United Way Regina, currently located at 1440 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4R 2E9, [_________ %] of the rest, residue, or remainder of my estate to be used for its general charitable purposes in accordance with this organization’s applicable practices and policies.”
Give a specific asset or collection of assets such as cash, stocks/securities, or other designated property to United Way Regina
“I give [$ ______________] or [a specific asset] to United Way Regina, currently located at 1440 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4R 2E9, to be used for its general charitable purposes and held and administered in accordance with this organization’s applicable practices and policies.”
You have identified a specific area of interest that to which you wish your gift be, for example, to support Childhood Success in Regina
“I give, devise and bequeath [______________%] or [ $ ____________] or [a specific asset] to United Way Regina, currently located at 1440 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4R 2E9 to be used to support [_____________________________] and held and administered in accordance with this organization’s applicable practices and policies.”
Once you have a sense of the type of gift you wish to make, we advise that you consult a lawyer or financial planning professional to complete your will.
Gifts of Life Insurance
The gift of life insurance provides a unique opportunity make a positive impact in the future while receiving tax benefits today. It allows you to make a long-term investment while preserving the value of your estate for your loved ones. Choosing to give the gift of life insurance means the proceeds of the policy are paid directly to United Way Regina and remain in our city.
Transferring ownership to United Way Regina:
- Give an already paid-up policy and receive a donation receipt for the cash value of the policy.
- Give an existing policy on which premiums are still being paid and receive a receipt for the cash value of the policy and subsequent premium payments.
United Way as a benefactor:
Name ‘United Way Regina’ as the beneficiary of your policy and a donation receipt will be issued to your estate which can be claimed in your final tax return.
How to donate gifts of securities
To donate gifts of stock or securities, please fill out the form below, ensuring that the form is signed by the donor and returned to United Way Regina before the gifts of stock or securities are transferred. Please also note that this form is used to issue the donor’s tax receipt.
United Way Regina
Learn more about what United Way Regina does in your community and our three main focus areas.
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
CRA’s website provides a search facility for Canada’s charities. CRA also provides a full listing of interpretation bulletins and information circulars related to federal tax laws.
Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP)-Leave a Legacy
CAGP is a national association that exists to support strategic charitable gift planning. A national, nonprofit organization established in 1993, it is the only Canadian professional association that brings together charitable fundraisers and professional advisors.
Charity Village
Canada’s supersite for the nonprofit sector – 3,500 pages of news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers.
Federal Department of Finance
The official website of the Federal Department of Finance. A resource for current information and bulletins on budget issues and policies affecting professional advisors’ day-to-day practices.
Imagine Canada
Imagine Canada supports Canada’s charities, nonprofit organizations and socially conscious businesses, and champions the work they do in our communities.
Take control of your legacy
Contact Todd Sandin at 306-751-4750 EXT 755 or tsandin@unitedwayregina.ca to get started with creating a personal plan that protects the important people and causes in your life.
Acknowledging your Gift
We would like to honour your generous philanthropy by recognizing you in our Leadership Report, and by inviting you and your family to donor events and community activities. We will also respect your wish to give anonymously should you choose to do so.