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Privacy Policy

Privacy Principles

Our goal is to maintain and enhance long-term relationships with our donors. Therefore, we are committed to protecting and respecting the confidentiality of donor data.

How does United Way protect donor privacy?

  • United Way Regina does not sell or trade personal information and does not ‘rent’out mailing lists. We maintain appropriate technical and organizational safeguards to protect your personal information, and limit access to this information to authorized personnel only.
  • We will allow you full access to your information upon request and we will maintain its accuracy in keeping with your instructions. We will dispose of this information safely after the period of time prescribed by law.
  • We will not provide or share your personal information with third parties unless you authorize us to do so in writing or unless the law requires us to do so.
  • We will obtain your consent to disclose your personal information for recognition purposes for certain higher levels of donations i.e. Leadership donors and above.

How is personal information used?

During the course of United Way Regina’s various activities, personal information is gathered and used to:

  • Process and recognize a donation;
  • Understand donor interests and demographics;
  • Conform to procedures required by law;
  • Register your participation at a meeting or event;
  • Communicate effectively;
  • Build strong relationships; and,
  • Meet service expectations.

United Way Regina, as a registered charity, is exempt from the National Do-Not-Call List (N-DNCL) legislation that came into effect September 30, 2008.

As part of our annual campaigns, we will continue to run telemarketing campaigns contacting our long-time and loyal donor households. These campaigns are managed by our trained staff and play an important role in helping us to achieve our campaign goals.

Even though we are exempt from N-DNCL legislation, we are very conscious of the privacy of our donors and are committed to respecting donors’ wishes relating to how we contact them.